JAY Concertinas

Tritone 'Wild Wood'

  • Wood PLA (with varnish)
  • 45 keys (22RH + 22LH + air)
  • Note range from C3-G6
  • Weight 1.67kg
  • Hand-made leather bellows, thumb straps and wrist straps
  • Top Italian reeds (Binci)
  • Hand-drawn fretwork
  • Ergonomic little-finger rest
My new and original 'Tritone' button system features a wholetone scale mirrored on each side of the concertina (each wholetone scale spaced apart by a semitone).

This means that a chromatic scale can be played by bouncing side to side (similar to the English concertina) moving sequentially up each row of 3.

Subsequently, every scale and arpeggio falls easily under the fingers, and repeats perfectly in every octave.

The RH layout is shown to the right. And the LH below.

JAY Concertinas

Traditional instruments made with technology

Tritone 'Wild Wood'

  • Wood PLA (with varnish)
  • 45 keys (22RH + 22LH + air)
  • Note range from C3-G6
  • Weight 1.67kg
  • Hand-made leather bellows, thumb straps and wrist straps
  • Top Italian reeds (Binci)
  • Hand-drawn fretwork
  • Ergonomic little-finger rest
My new and original 'Tritone' button system features a wholetone scale mirrored on each side of the concertina (each wholetone scale spaced apart by a semitone).

This means that a chromatic scale can be played by bouncing side to side (similar to the English concertina) moving sequentially up each row of 3.

Subsequently, every scale and arpeggio falls easily under the fingers, and repeats perfectly in every octave.

The RH layout is shown to the right. And the LH below.